INSISOC >> Publications >> Papers 2008
The following list is a collection of books and scientific publications by members of the group throughout the year 2008:
Eds.: López Paredes, Adolfo; Pajares Gutiérrez, Javier (2008)
Ministerio de Cultura. Publicaciones. ISBN 978-84-612-5349-4 Más info
“Agent Based Modelling in Natural Resource Management.”
López Paredes, A. & Hernández Iglesias, C.(Eds) (2008)
Insisoc. ISBN 978-84-205-4560-8. Más info
"Diseño y diagnostico de organizaciones viables. Un enfoque sistemico.”
Pérez Ríos, Jóse Manuel (2008)
Iberfora2000. ISBN: 978-84-612-5845-1. Más info
"Diffusion of Domestic Water Conservation Technologies in an ABM-GIS Integrated Model."
José M. Galán, Ricardo del Olmo, & Adolfo López-Paredes
Pag. 567-574 In "Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems: Third International Workshop, HAIS 2008, Burgos, Spain, September 24-26, 2008, Proceedings"
by Emilio Corchado (Editor), Ajith Abraham (Editor), Witold Pedrycz (Editor)
Paperback: 767 pages; Publisher: Springer; 1 edition (October 1, 2008)
ISBN-10: 3540876553; ISBN-13: 978-3540876557 Más info
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"Testing Marshallian and Walrasian Instability with an Agent Based Model."
Posada, M., Hernández, C., López-Paredes, A., (2008)
In Advances in Complex Systems, pp. 249-260, World Scientific Pub . Singapore. Más info
"Agent Based Experimental Economics in signaling Games."
López-Paredes, A., Posada, M., Hernández, C., (2008)
In Complexity and Artificial Markets, Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, 614, pp. 121-129, Schredelseker, Klaus; Hauser, Florian (Eds.) (Eds.), Springer. Más info
"Artificial-Socially-Inspired-Agents play strategically a two-stage game with asymmetric information to get bargaining power: a consilient approach that integrates experimental economics, cognitive psychology and social simulation."
López-Paredes, A., Posada, M., Hernández, C., (2008)
In AAMAS`08 MABS. International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems Richland, SC ISBN:978-0-9817381-1-6. Más info
"Socially inspired decision making tool: from the Economy to Management Engineering."
Hernandez,C. López-Paredes,A.Pajares, J. Posada,M., (2008)
In Saiz et al. (eds) Insights in Current Organization Engineering, pp. 37-39. University of Burgos. Spain Adenda
"Strategic Behaviour, rationality and bargaining power in two-stage games with artificial socially inspired agents."
López-Paredes A., Hernandez.C., Posada, M, y Pajares, J. (2008)
In Da Ruan et al. (eds) Computational Intelligence in Decision and Control, pp. 599-604, World Scientific Pub. Singapore. Más info
"Modelado de sistemas complejos mediante simulación basada en agentes y mediante dinámica de sistemas."
Izquierdo, L.R., Galán, J.M., Santos, J.I. & del Olmo, R. (2008).
Empiria. Revista de Metodología de Ciencias Sociales 16, pp. 85-112. Pdf
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