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MEQU (Market Effects of Quality Uncertainty)
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MEQU (Market Effects of Quality Uncertainty) This model is based on buyers' expected behaviour, in contrast with classical models of quality uncertainty, which, in addition to quality variability, tend to assume asymmetric information and are based on the phenomenon of adverse selection. MEQU shows that asymmetric information is not necessary for quality variability to damage (or even destroy) a market. It also shows how sharing information, or making aggregate information available, can mitigate the damaging effects of quality variability. Buyers can be connected, forming a social network. Thus, each buyer may link to none, one, or several buyers; this (potentially empty) set of neighbours defines the buyer's social neighbourhood. If the network-structure is random, then it is created by establishing a certain number (num-links) of directed links between randomly selected pairs of buyers. If the network-structure is preferential attachment, buyers are sequentially added to the network; every buyer who joins the network selects pref-attachment-links other buyers to link to, who are selected with probability proportional to their number of existing (incoming and outgoing) links. At the beginning of the creation of this network, while the number of buyers is less than pref-attachment-links, each new buyer links to all existing buyers. This is Barabási and Albert's preferential attachment model of network growth (See Newman 2003, sec. VII-B). If the network-structure is double ring, all buyers are randomly placed in a ring (randomly "seated" at a round table) and each buyer links to the one on her right and to the one on her left. If the network-structure is star, one buyer is randomly selected and bidirectional links between her and each one of all the other buyers are created. The supply function is constant. There are num-sellers sellers indexed in i (i = 1,..., num-sellers) with minimum selling price for seller i being mspi = i. The demand function in every session is formed by summing up buyers' individual reservation prices. The reservation price of buyer i in session n is equal to her initial reservation price multiplied by her current expected quality (qexpi,n) for the product. At any trading session n, the num-buyers individual reservation prices can be sorted out as follows: This order will be useful to determine the price (see below). Buyers and sellers trade in sessions. In each session, each buyer can buy at most one product, and each seller can sell at most one product. In each session n, the market is centrally cleared at the crossing point of supply and demand. Specifically, the number of traded units y in session n is the maximum value i such that Ri,n >= mspi and the market price pn is taken to be pn = ½ [Min (Ry,n, mspy+1) + Max (Ry+1,n, mspy)] This price-setting formula takes into account the satisfied supply and demand In general, buyers form their quality expectations considering both their own experience and their social neighbours' experience. More precisely, after every trading session, every buyer i updates her quality expectation if and only if In either of those cases, buyer i updates her expectations according qexpi,n+1 = qexpi,n + individual-weight· (qi,n - qexpi,n) + social-weight · (meanqi,n - qexpi,n) qexpi,n+1 = qexpi,n + individual-weight · (qi,n - qexpi,n) qexpi,n+1 = qexpi,n + social-weight · (meanqi,n - qexpi,n) There are a number of ways in which the user can interact with the model. Except for the number of sellers and buyers, the value of every parameter described above can be changed at runtime. Thus, except for Create a market without social network (num-links = 0). Use some quality variability and individual-weight which are not very low and observe the market failure. Select a social-weight greater than 0, increase the number of links in the network and observe the recovered dynamics. The market failure is also visible if there is a social network but the social-weight MEQU was developed by Segismundo S. Izquierdo and Luis R. Izquierdo. The authors would like to gratefully acknowledge financial support from the Scottish Executive Environment and Rural Affairs Department and from the SocSimNet project 2004-LV/04/B/F/PP. Akerlof GA (1970). The Market for Lemons: Quality Uncertainty and the Market Mechanism. The Quarterly Journal of Economics 84: 488-500 Hendel I and Lizzeri A (1999). Adverse selection in Durable Goods Markets. American Economic Review 89 (5): 1097-1115 Izquierdo SS, Izquierdo LR (2006). The Impact of Quality Uncertainty without Izquierdo SS, Izquierdo LR, Galan JM and Hernandez C (2005). Market Failure caused by Quality Uncertainty. Artificial Economics - Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems 564. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2005. Macho-Stadler I and Pérez-Castrillo JD (2001). An Introduction to the Economics of Information. Incentives and Contracts. Oxford University Press (Second edition) Newman M.E.J. (2003). The structure and function of complex networks. SIAM Review 45, 167-256 . Rose C (1993). Equilibrium and Adverse Selection. The RAND Journal of Economics, 24 (4): 559-569 Stigler GJ (1961). The Economics of Information. Journal of Political Economy 69: 213-225 Stiglitz JE (2000) The Contributions of the Economics of Information to Twentieth Century Economics. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. 115, Issue 4 - pp. 1441 - 1478 Vriend N (2000). An Illustration of the Essential Difference Between Wilensky U (1999) NetLogo. Center for Connected Learning and Computer-Based Modeling, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL. Wilson CA (1979). Equilibrium and adverse selection. American Economic Review 69: 313-317 Wilson CA (1980). The Nature of Equilibrium in Markets with Adverse Selection. Bell Journal of Economics 11: 108-130WHAT IS IT?
is a model designed to study the effects of quality uncertainty and incomplete information on market dynamics. The main assumption in this model is that buyers form quality expectations about products based on their own past experiences and on the experiences of people they know. QUICK GUIDE
to her own individual quality experiences.
to her neighbours' quality experiences.
random, preferential attachment, double ring, and star.
If the network structure chosen is random, the value of the parameter num-links
will determine the number of random links to be created. If the network structure selected is
preferential attachment, each buyer will join the network linking to pref-attachment-links
other buyers. Network structures double ring and star do not require any further parameterisation.
The social network (buyers and links) will be represented on the screen. If the show-network-formation switch is on you will see the dynamics of the network formation.
press go to start a series of trading sessions. Press go
again to halt the model.HOW IT WORKS
Social network
A seller i is willing to sell her product if price p >= mspi.
This creates a supply function such that the number of items offered at price
p (p >= 0) is the integer part of p (with the additional restriction that the number of items offered must always be less than, or equal to, num-sellers). Demand
for every buyer is equal to 1. The quality expected by each buyer may
(and most often does) vary throughout the simulation, depending on the
learning rule and the particular buyer's experiences.
R1,n >= R2,n >= … >= Rnum-buyers,n
Finally, note that, given the description above, the initial demand is
such that at price p (p <= num-buyers), the number of products demanded is the integer part of [num-buyers + 1 - p] (with the additional restriction that it always must be less than, or equal to, num-buyers).Market mechanism
( mspy <= pn <= Ry,n ) and the pressure of the extramarginal supply and demand ( mspy+1 >= pn >= Ry+1,n ).
Quality expectations
to the following rules:
where qi,n is the quality of the product received by buyer i, and
meanqi,n is the average quality of the products received
by buyers in i's social neighbourhood.
Setting the parameters
This parameter is used to create the supply function, which remains constant all throughout the simulation.
This parameter determines buyers' initial reservation prices and, consequently, the initial demand function.
These two parameters determine how buyers update their quality expectations.
The parameter individual-weight measures the sensitivity of buyers to their own individual experiences, and the parameter social-weight measures the sensitivity of buyers to their neighbours' experiences.
The social neighbourhood of buyer A is the set of other buyers to whom A links (see next bullet point). Thus, social-weight = 0 implies individual learning only (provided that individual-weight > 0).
num-links. The network is formed by creating num-links random directed links between buyers.
In that case, every possible directed link between two buyers has the same probability of being created or deleted.
quality-distribution and quality-variance.
uniform, exponential, or trimmed normal. The mean of all three distributions
is 1. The trimmed normal is a normal distribution where every value greater
than 2 is set back to 2, and every value less than 0 is set back to 0.
Starting up the model
Interacting with the model at runtime
potentially those two parameters, the model is always using the values that are shown in the interface. Note that, in particular, the user can create and delete random links in the network as the model runs. This can be conducted by modifying the number of links directly. All links are created or deleted at random. There are also other ways, all of them related to the social network, in which the user can interact with the model at runtime:
Please click on the button again when satisfied.Displays
is set to 0.CREDITS
Asymmetric Information. Agent Based Models of Market Dynamics and Consumer Behaviour,
Individual and Social Learning, and its Consequence for Computational
Analyses. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 24: 1-19